[. . . ] On your third roll, if every body part you roll is one that you've already scored, you must score ZERO for that turn. Place any one of your remaining tokens on its matching part in the lefthand column on the scoreboard. [. . . ] The more body parts you match the more you score! We will be happy to hear your questions or comments about this game. Canadian consumers, please write to: Hasbro Canada Corporation, 2350 de la Province, Longueuil, QC Canada J4G 1G2. & TM Office. Before You Begin · Carefully punch out the 20 scoring tokens from the cardboard parts sheet. POTATO HEAd as a dice cup, remove his hat and shoes and set them aside. (Those with little hands may need to use both hands to hold the dice cup. ) Now you're ready to play! PROOF OF PURCHASE After finishing this 2-player game, players add up their tokens' column numbers to get their final scores. 5 BRAND 41637 6 To Begin · Take 5 scoring tokens OF THE SAME COLOR. NOTE: There will be unused scoring tokens left over in 2- and 3-player games. · Put the scoreboard within easy reach of all players. PLAY EXAMPLE FIRST ROLL: You rolled 2 Arms, 1 Shoes, 1 Hat, and 1 Ear. How To score When you finish your third roll or decide to stop rolling, you MUST add up your score for that turn. Always try to score the body part with the most matches and place its token on the scoreboard in the proper row and column. SCORINg YAHTZEES If you roll 5 of the same body part, that's a YAHTZEE! [. . . ] You can't score 5 Eyes/noses because your opponent has scored there -- but you can score 4 Eyes/noses! Blue IMPORTANT On your turn, you could roll only once or twice and score, but you MUST score after your third roll. You score ONLY ONE body part per turn -- a DIFFERENT body part each turn. Green 2 3 4 [. . . ]